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[ Swetlana Mitina ]   Created: 7/26/10   Closing date: 8/25/10

What ways we have to preserve our children from gas when they are alone at the kitchen or at home?

Of course we can tell them how dangerous is to turn switch of gas stove. And of course we can turn over a gas-crane. But is it enough?

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[ Ravi Bindra ] 8/7/10 Add a comment
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Well, the solutioin by its nature is not so creative, but you can tell your child a very creative and scary fairy tale about a kid who turned a gas switch on and...

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A special blocking button
  Swetlana Mitina 7.83 7/26/10
A Scary Fair Tale
  Ravi Bindra 6.83 8/7/10
Fingertips Control
Humorous Vadim Kotelnikov 9.2 8/12/10
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