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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ]   Created: 1/4/11   Closing date: 1/24/11
Area of improvement: Language
Location: http://fun4biz.com/messagesSubjects/list

I received a message in my mailbox that a Fun4Bizer sent me an instant message. I clicked on the link that led to a page with the following message:


403 Forbidden
You have not enough privileges for reading this objects
Пожалуйста, войдите на сайт


There are too many mistakes in these three lines.

Expert rating 6
Public rating 6

Voting is completed

403 Forbidden - not required, to be removed

You have not enough privileges for reading this objects - Looks impolite and contains 3 grammar errors. To be replaced by Please login to read this message.

Пожалуйста, войдите на сайт - not required, to be removed. Alternativey, if we wish to translate the messages into other languages, no language should be excluded, i.e. the message should appear 1000+ times in all possible languages:-)

Current message
[ Vadim Stebakov ] 1/24/11 Add a comment

Changed to

403 Forbidden
You are not authorized to read this object.
Please, log in

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Re: Forbidden Access to a Message: Bad Language
  Vadim Stebakov 1/24/11
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