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[ Victoria Kozlova ]   Created: 1/3/11   Closing date: 1/31/11
Market size: Medium (< 10,000,000 people)    Investments required: Medium (< US$5,000,000)
Expert rating 7.25
Public rating 7.5

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Many of us have various pets (dogs, cats, birds, fish, etc.). Quite often we need to go somewhere for a day or two. It's always a headache to find somebody who will feed our pets in our absence. A simple progammable feeder would solve the problem. Existing sothisticated programmable pet feeders, like this one, used permanently for health reasons are expensive and are not realiable. A simple feeder used occasionally for a short while would be more useful. Simple is beautiful!:-)

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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 1/3/11 Add a comment

And, I believe, many pet owners would love to have it too. The market is really great. Indeed, it's always a problem to delegate this simple task to somebody when you're away for a shortwhile, e.g. a long Christmas party:-))) The feeder should really be very simple, robust and cheap, whing US$30. In this case, I believe, it's be a great market success.

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Yes, I'd love to have such a pet feeder!
  Vadim Kotelnikov 1/3/11
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