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[ Alexander Scheryakov ]   Created: 12/26/10   Closing date: 1/25/11
Market size: Large (> 10,000,000 people)    Investments required: Small (< US$50,000)
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Now no one is surprised that people open cars without even touching them, just one click. So why are we still open the doors of our houses and flats by hand? It's hard when you talk on the phone or keep a few packages, or just in a hurry. Especially, the door that opens key easier to crack at the time as a monolithic door, that responds to your personal "key», impossible to open.



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[ Anchali Hyapha ] 12/28/10 Add a comment

Such locks are in operation for decades in various high-security buildings, but they are yet to reach households:-)

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Good idea:-) Actually,
  Anchali Hyapha 12/28/10
If households are not served with such intelligent locks,
  Vadim Kotelnikov 12/29/10
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