[ Костя Расулов ]
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![](/img/add-noactive.gif) ![](/img/answer1-noactive.gif) ![](/img/edit1-noactive.gif) ![](/img/favorites-noactive.gif) ![](/img/favoritesBest-noactive.gif) |
Market size: Medium (< 10,000,000 people)
Investments required: Medium (< US$5,000,000)
Each of us has experienced many times the following situation: while you are working on the computer, somebody behind asks you to watch something or to say something and you have to stop your work and look back.
I offer to design a rear-view mirror fixed to the monitor. It will work as car side view mirrors.
This device can facilitate your work on the computer. You won't interrupt your work, facing back to watch who is talking, or what is showing at the moment. You’ll simply look into the mirror. |