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Top Rated Ideas

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Title  Author  Total rating   Rating by experts   Rating by inventors  
Whatever you do, I'll wait for you! Dragan Dejkovic 7.2 7.25 0
When you are angry Ravi Bindra 6.8 6.5 0
Where are the laureates? Swetlana Mitina 0 6 0
Whistler Elena Dobrynchenko 0 6.33 0
Who Assassinated Abe Lincoln - a Fresh Idea!!! Ravi Bindra 8.5 8.25 0
Who favorited me Elena Dobrynchenko 0 6 0
Who sponsored the massacre in South Osetia? Dragan Dejkovic 8.33 8.33 0
Who Will Amaze You Most? Kseniya Kotelnikova 9.29 9.17 0
Why I can't see any Winning idea? Swetlana Mitina 0 6 0
Why vegetating? Be creative - now! Ravi Bindra 6.5 6.5 0
Wonder Rewards by Mandy for Kseniya World IG 2020 7 7 0
Wonderful pandemic-born Invention Tree! Dennis Kotelnikov 9 8.83 0
Working Pensionnaires are Punished Elena Dobrynchenko 8.8 8.75 0
Worldwide with Innompics Adam Ramli 7.5 7.5 0
Write a book "How To Succeed in a Crisis" Vadim Kotelnikov 7.6 7.75 0
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