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Top Rated Ideas of Vadim Kotelnikov

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Title  Author  Total rating   Rating by experts   Rating by inventors  
Read a philosophy book at bedtime Vadim Kotelnikov 7.5 8 0
Take a Bath Vadim Kotelnikov 7.67 8 0
Instantly Tuned Guitar Vadim Kotelnikov 7.38 8 0
Sell Your Bad Luck As a Consultancy Vadim Kotelnikov 8.67 8 0
Cordless Small Headphones Vadim Kotelnikov 8.43 8 0
We'll solve all your problems! Vadim Kotelnikov 8.14 8 0
Eat 25 hamburgers and get 26th FREE! Vadim Kotelnikov 8.29 8 0
Great gift Vadim Kotelnikov 0 8 0
School IQ+ Vadim Kotelnikov 8.33 8 0
Give it and become sexually attractive instantly! Vadim Kotelnikov 8.57 8 0
New Category for Images "My favorite images" Vadim Kotelnikov 0 8 0
Making "All My Postings" Leaner Vadim Kotelnikov 0 8 0
Global home for creative acheivers Vadim Kotelnikov 0 8 0
Improvement Suggestion Statistics To Be Improved Vadim Kotelnikov 0 8 0
"No-Quorum" Ideas Vadim Kotelnikov 0 8 0
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