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Fun4Biz is much more than just communication.

We help you shine and prosper!


  * Required fields
Greeting: *
Gender: *
Name: *
Last name: *
Date of birth *
Date of birth
Why do we need your date of birth?
  • for statistical analysis
  • to wish you happy birthday
You can make your date of birth invisible to other users.
Nickname: * ?
Nickname - is your unique name-identifier on the site. You can use the following characters: numbers, Latin characters, _ (underlining), - (hyphen), @ , . (point), space. Lenght of one each word in nickname should not exceed 15 symbols, total from 3 to 30 symbols.
After registration you cannot change a nickname.
City: *
Country: *
E-mail: *
E-mail 2: ?
We recommend you to enter two different e-mail addresses to make sure that our e-mail with your password is delivered to you.
This field is not mandatory.
Your primary role at Fun4Biz: * Inventor ?
  • Creativity contests come first;
  • Is looking for business partners to make best use of his or her entrepreneurial creativity skills;
  • Does not compete for free access to global Virtual Venture Valley #1 (vvv1.com).

Wanderer ?
  • Fun comes first;
  • Socializing comes first; business (if at all) comes second;
  • Creativity contests come first #1 (vvv1.com).


Having registered, you can change your primary role.

Write three most important words you live by: *
Love; Achievement; Self-improvement
* You'll be able edit this field any time.
Security: Please tick the selected fields:
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