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33 Success Advicess from Great Success Masters

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5 Success Strategies

  1. Have a dream
  2. Love what you do
  3. Take action learn and adapt
  4. Be innovative
  5. Never give up

Screenplay and music by myself

Co-starring: James Allen, Dale Carnegie, Coco Chanel, Ernesto Che Guevara, Carl von Clausewitz, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Anatole France, Seth Godin, Confucius, Henry Ford, Wayne Gretzky, Napoleon Hill, Thomas Jefferson, Steve Jobs, Vince Lombardi, Akio Morita, Sun Tzu, Oprah Winfrey

Vadim Kotelnikov  3/31/12      All videos published by this user
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[ Topic ] 33 Success Advicess from Great Success Masters (Vadim Kotelnikov) 3/31/12
Re: 33 Success Advicess from Great Success Masters (Anchali Hyapha) 3/31/12
My songs (Vadim Kotelnikov) 3/31/12
Re: My songs (Ravi Bindra) 3/31/12
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